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Friday, March 30, 2018

FENG SHUI...Fact or Fiction??? We want to hear from you on this subject!

We've done some research on Feng Shui to find out what's it about, and is it really a viable practice that needs to be incorporated into our homes? Read the full version, then post your comments here!  Thumbs up? or thumbs down?

Here goes!  Feng shui is a practice based on the idea that our homes are a mirror of what's happening inside us. The purpose of feng shui is to get your environment in alignment with who your are and where you want to go--to harmonize your energy with your home's energy, by carefully considering what you bring into your rooms, and how you maintain the place.  It is believed that everything has energy, even inanimate objects.  Feng shui helps guide that energy and let it flow freely through your home.

The Skeptic Encyclopedia briefly summarizes the history and practice of feng shui stating, "the principles of feng shui related to living harmoniously with nature are quite rational, but does not otherwise lend credibility to the nonscientific  claims.  After a comprehensive 2016 evaluation by Scientific Skeptic author Brian Dunning, he concluded that "there is no real science behind feng shui...it's also a simple matter to dismiss the mystical energies said to be at its core: they simply don't exist!"

The Baxley-Dolder Team wants to know your opinion...is feng shui something you practice and/endorse OR are you skeptical and would not practice it!

Post your comments.  Read the full version and post your comments below on our blog!

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