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Friday, August 31, 2018

Moving to Sacramento | The Ultimate Moving Checklist

Congratulations! You decided to move to Sacramento. As we all know, there are many arduous steps involved in the moving process — from packing and labeling boxes to changing your address, and every detail in between.
We hope to make your transition to Sacramento a bit smoother with this complete moving checklist, which takes you through the entire process — from researching a moving company to hanging that family photo up on the mantel at your new home! Whether you are moving from the Bay Area or the East Coast, Lyon Real Estate is here to help with your move to Sacramento.
Click here for the ULTIMATE MOVING CHECKLIST     Our thanks to the LyonLocal Blog!  

1 comment:

  1. Not moving to Sacramento? This checklist applies to ANYONE making a move to virtually ANYWHERE! Great checklist!
